🤔 Are you missing your Missalette/Hymnal?
👉🏼 If you are, we’re sorry! Due to COVID, we were not able to have these “common-touch” items as per the Archdiocesean Directives. Therefore, we were unable to order Missalette/Hymnals for the 2021 liturgical year. 👉🏼 The Breaking Bread Missalette/Hymnal is produced for the liturgical year which begins in Advent. We plan on ordering them for the 2022 Liturgical Year as long as we are permitted with the COVID situation. 📲 If you are looking to follow along with the Mass Readings, you can do so on your Smartphone at this website: https://bible.usccb.org. Simply select on the date and liturgical celebration. 🔕 Please don’t forget to silence your cell phone’s volume and notification/ringer sound so we can be sure there are no distractions during Mass. Thank you very much! 👂 Here’s something to consider... God’s presence in His Word at Mass is made manifest through the “kerygma” or “proclamation” of the Word. This Greek word could also be translated as cry, announce, or preach. God’s Word is not simply letters and words on a page, but is “living and effective” (Hebrews 4:12). The Lector’s proclamation of the Sacred Scripture gives life to the Word of God in the liturgy. Consider not having the text in front of you as an opportunity to more intentionally listen to the Word which is brought to life in the liturgy as it is proclaimed aloud for all to hear. Comments are closed.
July 2024