Altar Servers Boys and girls from Grade 3 and up are invited to train as Altar servers for Sunday, Holy Day Masses and other rites. Group and individual training take place as needed.
Art & Environment Committee This Committee helps in planning all of the celebrations that take place in our church including Sunday Mass, holidays feasts and special celebrations. We plan and carry out the decoration of our worship space to give full meaning to the signs and symbols of our faith in accordance with guidelines set forth by the Worship Office of the Archdiocese of Newark. We work with the parish music ministry and other liturgical ministries to insure that our community prayer together is as beautiful as possible. If you are creative, enjoy decorating, have a flair for the artistic, and desire to learn more about our church and its celebrations, we would welcome your gifts and talents. This Committee meets several times during the year for education and planning, and also to decorate the church before each liturgical season.
Contact: Sharon Laner 973-227-3607
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Those who desire to serve in this ministry should be active practicing Catholics who have completed the Sacraments of Initiation. The ministers assist the priests with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ at weekend Masses, holy days, special liturgies and sacramental celebrations throughout the year. Ministers are required to assist at Mass about two times a month. Contact: Fr. Marek Chachlowski / Colleen Volanti (Scheduling) 973-227-0055
Lectors Ministers of the Word proclaim the Word of Sacred Scripture at Mass and at special liturgies. To prepare for this ministry lectors are asked to pray, read and reflect upon the readings in advance and to take time to learn the proper pronunciation of words. Mass assignments are on rotational schedule.
Contact: Fr. Marek Chachlowski / Colleen Volanti (Scheduling) 973-227-0055
Liturgy of the Word for Children Liturgy of the Word for children Pr-K through Grade 5, takes place during the 10:00 am Sunday Mass. This program enables the children to hear the Sunday readings and the Gospel interpreted at their level of understanding. Before the Rite of the Liturgy of the Word the children are invited to process to a separate area of the building to hear the readings from the Children’s Lectionary and to participate in group discussions, directed activities and music. The children return to join the congregation after the Homily. Contact: Leonidas Aliaga 973-227-3607
Music Ministry Leads and inspires the congregation to join in participating in the Eucharistic Celebrations of Christmas, Holy Week, and Easter. The vocal ensembles, handbell choir, and instrumentalists, also serve throughout the school year (September-June) and at various other services and liturgies during the year. Click here for more information on the Music Ministry.
Contact: Music Director 973-227-0055
Youth Group Ministry In the first letter to Timothy, Paul writes," Let no one look down on you because of your youth, but be a continuing example of love, faith and purity to believers." The St. Thomas More Youth Group continues to grow and offer fellowship to teenagers in our parish. Each year our Core Team plans an exciting calendar of events such as Youth Retreats, Living Stations of the Cross, and the Homeless Box Village.
Our primary focus is Jesus and to have the teenagers experience His presence in the Church and in one another, through faith, friendship, and fun. Jesus cherished intimate moments and good times with friends. He invites all of us to have those same kinds of experiences. Students in grades 7 through 12 are welcome to attend our meetings in Room #5.
Contact: 973-227-0055
Vacation Bible School Children’s Vacation Bible School is held for one week during the summer for children Pre-K (age 4) through Grade 4. Many moms, dads, grandparents and young people (Grades 5 through 8) are needed to volunteer each year to help with various activities based on the theme for the year. If you enjoy working with children and would like to help them grow spiritually while having fun, consider volunteering your time and talents in this ministry.