Lectors are members of the parish who participate in liturgical celebrations by proclaiming the Word of God and reading the Prayers of the Faithful during Sunday and weekday Mass. To be eligible to be a lector, you must be a confirmed, practicing Catholic. Training sessions are provided to help lectors increase their knowledge of the scriptures, build their confidence about speaking at Mass, and strive to proclaim the Good News with a spirit of enthusiasm and celebration. IMPORTANT LINKS: Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation DEI VERBUM The Lector at Mass
A Prayer for Lectors: Everlasting Father, in the beginning your Word brought forth life and called us into being. In the fullness of time, Jesus, your Son, the Word, became flesh. In the synagogue of Nazareth and on the hills of Galilee, He taught the good news of salvation, the Gospel of life and of truth. In an act of everlasting love He opened His arms on the cross and by His death, destroyed all death, leading us to everlasting life. Lord, open my lips, that my mouth may declare your praise; Open my heart, that I may proclaim the Word made flesh. Strengthen my mind, that I may live the holy words I speak. For your Word is holy and true and lives in glory with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.