Saint Thomas More Pastoral Council The Pastoral Council of St. Thomas More Church is a representative body made up of members chosen from each of the clusters of ministries present in our parish (Word, Worship, Community, and Service). Through prayer, scripture reflections, study and discernment, the Pastoral Council, assists the Pastor in assessing the needs for the parish and articulating a vision for the future as we strive to build the Kingdom of God. The Council, in communication with parishioners and parish ministries, establishes priorities for the parish (e.g. evangelization) and helps the parish to achieve its goals within these priorities.
Contact: Fr. Marek Chachlowski 973-227-0055
Baptismal Team The Baptismal Team helps to welcome young parents and prepare them for the baptism of their children through support, presence and continued outreach. The Team takes part in the preparation class required of all first time parents before the baptism of their children. This class, which takes place bi-monthly, helps parents to learn more about the Sacrament of Baptism as well as exploring how the addition of children to a family changes a marriage relationship. The Baptismal Team is also present during the celebration of baptisms (usually once a month) to welcome new families, assist with hospitality and represent the parish community. Contact: Deacon Aidan King 973-227-5786
Bible Study “The Lamb of God”. “The Bread of Life”. “The Body and the Blood of Christ”… These are phrases we know from the Mass. But do we understand what they mean in the greater and deeper context of the Scripture and Church teaching?
Acclaimed author and teacher Dr. Brant Pitre rigorously digs down to the biblical roots of the Eucharist, through it foreshadowing in the miraculous events of the Old Testament, Gospels, and Apostolic teaching. We will discover firsthand how Christ’s Body and Blood are an integral and wondrous part of God’s plan for our Salvation.
Bible Study takes place each Tuesday, Room #5 at 6:45. Contact: 973-227-0055
Cornerstone An annual 26 hour parish retreat for men and women, Cornerstone provides adult members of the parish time to examine their relationship with God. It is an invitation to engage in quiet reflection and to become actively involved in one’s own spiritual development. There is also the opportunity to develop new relationships with fellow parishioners. Men’s Cornerstone is held in the fall and Women’s Cornerstone is held in the spring. The retreat begins on a Friday evening and concludes on a Saturday evening with a closing Mass. Family and friends are encouraged to attend this closing liturgy.
Contact: Maryann Durantino 973-439-9890 or Lenny Russo 973-244-5755
Evangelization Committee The Evangelization Committee is currently a function of the Pastoral Council. It is the goal of St. Thomas More parish to create a separate Evangelization Committee whose job it will be to provide opportunities for parish outreach to those members of our community who are not practicing their faith and to welcome and encourage them to take a more active role. This committee will also develop ways of encouraging all parishioners to deepen their faith lives and relationship to Jesus Christ. Those interested in learning more about this committee should contact the Pastoral Council. Contact: Gail Bottone 201-953-1259
New Energies Initiative STM parish has been taking part in the Archdiocesan program entitled “New Energies.” The program has put STM in greater communication with our neighboring parishes to see how we can develop a new energy for evangelization and parish life together. Representatives from St. Thomas More have been meeting with those from Notre Dame in North Caldwell, St. Aloysius in Caldwell, and Blessed Sacrament in Roseland to determine how our four parishes can work together to build up the Kingdom of God here in our corner of West Essex. We have determined there are several ways we can share our common mission and ministry: through shared Adult Education opportunities, through shared Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, through a coordinated Youth Adult Ministry, through shared Social Action efforts, through a collaboration among parishes for other ministries, and through combined efforts for out reach among our own Catholic community. Contact: Peggy Johnston 973-575-0529
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults This process is for welcoming and preparing those who are joining the Catholic Church and for baptized Catholics who have not yet completed the Sacraments of Initiation. It is open to all parishioners as a means to grow in appreciation and knowledge of the truths and traditions of our Catholic faith. Sessions are conducted by a group of parishioners (RCIA Team) who commit themselves to share their experience of faith with catechumens and candidates by discussing faith related issues and preparing assigned topics for the instruction of those in the RCIA process.