Bereavement The St. Thomas More Bereavement Support Group presents a six week workshop on the grief process. Anyone who has suffered the loss of a loved one through death is invited. Support groups offer for the grieving person a structured approach to facing the death of a loved one along with an opportunity to be listened to, understood, and nurtured. This ministry takes place in the Fall. See the bulletin for times/location.
Contact: Donna Cifelli 973-809-1938
Finance Committee The committee is appointed by the Pastor and is responsible for assisting and advising the Pastor concerning the administration of the parish, especially as it pertains to financial matters. The Finance Committee helps to oversee the parish budget, and works within the framework of the Archdiocese of Newark policies regarding church finance and administration. This Committee consists of those skilled in financial and business matters and meets quarterly (and other times as needed).
Contact: Fr. Marek Chachlowski 973-227-0055
Food Pantry Thanks to the generosity of the parishioners of St. Thomas More, our parish food pantry is a registered pantry in Essex County. Those who are served by the pantry are from the Fairfield area. Non-perishable items are left in the vestibule of the church and are collected daily. Monetary gifts can be left at the rectory.
All those being served by the food pantry appreciate your generosity and the privacy of this pantry.
Contact: Paul O'Brien 973-454-6654
Giving Tree The Giving Tree is one way our parish can share with those less fortunate at Christmas. After Thanksgiving, gift tags are put on a tree in the vestibule of the Church. Parishioners select a tag, purchase and wrap the gift requested and return it by a specified date. Members of the committee help to identify needy individuals and coordinate this outreach. Volunteers are needed to help with the collecting, sorting and delivery of the gifts. Contact: Michelle Della Terza 201-407-4009
Homebound Ministry If you are lonely, elderly, confined to home or just unable to attend Mass and would like someone to visit and bring Holy Communion or if you would like to be part of this ministry please call the rectory at 973-227-0055.
Contact: Rectory 973-227-0055
Knights of Columbus The Knights of Columbus are a Catholic men's fraternal benefit society. Here at St. Thomas More Parish the Knights of Columbus, council # 6380, are visibly involved in the life of the parish. They sponsor many spiritual, social, charitable and community programs. The Parish Picnic, St. Patrick/St. Anthony Parish Dinner Dance, Polish Dinner, clothing drives, collecting for the disabled, the unborn, and supporting individuals in our community in need of assistance are some of the areas where the Knights can be seen. They work closely with our Pastor and priests to support them, our parish and community. The Fairfield council is open to new members. Any gentleman over 18 years of age interested please give us a call. We meet the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of every month in the K of C Room. For more information, events, and news, visit Council #6380's website or Facebook page. Contact: Ray Stampone (Grand Knight)
Ministry of Praise The Ministry of Praise is dedicated to helping the elderly, sick and handicapped to grow in personal holiness. Their prayers, works, joys and sufferings are offered to God to enable the Church to grow in holiness. The members are encouraged to offer spiritual communications each day and intercessory prayers for the parish and the universal Church. They are also asked to pray for the spread of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration. Contact: Gail Bottone 201-953-1259
Public Discipleship Public Discipleship is an opportunity for our parishioners to address specific, targeted, social justice issues such as hunger, poverty, and human rights. Public Discipleship is:
Parishioners writing letters to our representatives in congress as part of a grassroots effort to end world hunger.
Ministries working together with other interfaith communities by Crop Walking to end hunger.
Learning more about the root causes of poverty and other issues that affect the human condition, in order to bring about corrective action.
Addressing ad hoc issues that require our attention as they arise.
Sponsoring or participating in special programs for our youth and families to take meaningful social action.
STM ministry heads working together to address specific, targeted social issues.
At St. Thomas More, the Public Discipleship Ministry is a social justice group that provides an opportunity to deepen appreciation for Catholic social teaching through education, action and reflection (prayer). Ministry members engage in social analysis and support taking action that brings faith to life in the world. Our goal is to raise awareness by concentrating on specific, targeted social justice issues as advanced by the Newark Archdiocesan Human Concerns Office, namely world hunger, poverty and a variety of related human rights issues.
Contact: Meg Balter 973-228-6282 or Cira Graceffo 973-227-2248
Soup Kitchen This ministry conducts an outreach program to serve the needs through Our Lady’s Soup Kitchen at Our Lady of the Valley Church in Orange, N.J. The Soup Kitchen takes place on the third Saturday of the month from September through June. A full meal is served at 11:15 am. The volunteer sign up sheet is posted each month in the vestibule of the Church for those who want to help in obtaining, preparing and serving the food.