If you receive a text or email from someone “claiming” to be Fr. Marek, Fr. Robert, or any parish staff looking for help, money, or anything else, please DISREGARD/BLOCK the message. Communications for STM always come from our parish email, website, or Facebook page. They are always from recognizable, verifiable, and official phone numbers/emails. We apologize for the confusion and pray for those causing it. 🔺 IMPORTANT CLARIFICATION 🔺 Our Carnival/Regular GoFundMe, myEoffering, and request for Weekly Offerings or mailing in Collection Envelopes are all legitimate requests to support our parish. Your faith, hope, charity, and continued generosity is what keeps our ministry and mission going! Our Annual Novena to Saint Thomas More begins on June 13th leading to the Feast Day on June 22. All of the novena prayers are available by clicking here, or by opening this printer-friendly document. We hope you will join us in this special prayer seeking Saint Thomas More's intercession. May God bless us all through the help of our patron saint!
July 2024