We will stand united in prayer... As the situation revolving around the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) continues to unfold, St. Thomas More Parish stands committed to our mission to build up the Kingdom of God and the Body of Christ in Fairfield. (Or, Scroll down for our schedule, helpful instructions, and offertory information.) Streaming ScheduleSolemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - August 15, 2020 @ 9AM * * After this Mass, we will be discontinuing our live-streaming. Our volunteers who have been assisting us will be returning to college and are no longer available to help with streaming. For more information & access to resources, please click here. Live-Stream GuideFor our complete Live-Stream Guide including tips and troubleshooting, features, prayerful insights, and offertory information, click here. OffertoryThe mission of STM continues through the COVID-19 pandemic. Your generous support to our parish is essential to help us persevere in our mission through this shutdown. To make your offering to our Regular Sunday Collection, please use our GoFundMe page. Click here to go to the page. Any gift offered through our GoFundMe page goes directly to STM and will not be assessed by the Archdiocese. If you prefer, you can mail in your offertory envelopes to the rectory (210 Horseneck Rd., Fairfield, NJ 07004) or use myEoffering as usual. Whatever is most convenient for you is greatly appreciated! May God bless you for your dedication to our parish!
Our Parish is thrilled to celebrate First Holy Communions beginning this weekend through September. As our young parishioners and families approach the Table of Our Lord and receive His Eucharist, let's all welcome and pray for them. May the Body and Blood of Jesus sanctify, strengthen, and nourish us all as we come to Him!
Our future First Communicants were invited to do a special project! They were each sent a cross and asked to decorate it with supplies they had around the house. They were asked to put it somewhere special as they prayed as a family and completed their First Eucharist workbook. Each was asked to send back / email a picture of their cross. As you can see in the collage---aren’t they all beautiful!!!! We put each child’s name in a hat. It is custom that Michele Porcino and Dennis DellaTerza pick names out of a hat to determine who is bringing up the gifts at the First Communion Masses. We asked them to come back on July 11 before the 5PM Mass. This time they picked out 4 names of the 30 kids that submitted a cross picture! Each family would win a free pizza kit! The following families won: Silba - Slocum - Cifelli - Greczek Congratulations!!!! Remember we are thinking of all of you. Keep Jesus in your hearts and soon, real soon, you’ll receive Him in celebration of your First Communion! |
July 2024