We hope you will join us on Tuesday, April 5 at 7:00 PM for our Annual Lenten Penance Service with Individual Confession. As we come before the Lord and seek His tender mercy, we can truly ready our hearts and lives to celebrate and fully enter into the victory of His Paschal Mystery!
Lent is a time of preparation to celebrate the Lord's Resurrection at Easter. During Lent, we go “into the desert” with Jesus, seek Our Lord in prayer by reading Sacred Scripture, serve by giving alms, and practice self-control through fasting. We are called not only to abstain from luxuries during Lent but to a true inner conversion of heart as we seek to follow Christ's will more faithfully. Let us prepare the way of the Lord by recognizing our sin, seeking forgiveness, so that we may prepare the way of the King of Glory. For helpful guides for making a good Examination of Conscience and Sacramental Confession, click here and scroll to the middle of this page. Comments are closed.
July 2024