GoFundMe has advised the Archdiocese of Newark that they will no longer host the platform which has hosted the STM GoFundMe Parish Support Initiative through the COVID-19 Pandemic.
The last day for GoFundMe donations will be September 30, 2021. Parishioners with recurring donations will also cease on September 30, 2021. We appreciate your generosity to our parish through this program. All of the donations made via GoFundMe to support our collections for Sunday Offerings, Carnival Fundraiser Substitutes, Holy Week & Easter, Christmas, and our 2020 Assistance Appeal went directly to STM to support our parish ministry, mission, operations, and expenses through the challenging times we continue to face due to the pandemic. If you wish to continue extra contributions, the “STM COVID Assistance Appeal” remains open to accept restricted gifts to STM. Please make a notation on the envelope/check that the gift is restricted for the Assistance Appeal. Your regular Sunday/Special Collection tithes may continue to be made by offering envelopes, collection baskets, and myEoffering. Please know of our gratitude for you and your dedication to STM. May God bless you and your family! Comments are closed.
July 2024