In order to reach our goal for the AAA 2021, we will be collecting donations on May 2 & 9. Envelopes may be found in the church vestibule and can be placed in the collection basket or mailed in.
The 2021 Annual Appeal will fund essential programs and ministries at the heart of our Catholic mission in our four counties – namely to proclaim the gospel, to pass on the faith to future generations, particularly through the celebration of the sacraments, and to care for the poor and those on the margins. Now more than ever, especially during this health crisis, our ministries and programs need your support. Will you prayerfully consider making a gift to the 2021 Annual Appeal of the Archdiocese of Newark? Click here for more information, the annual video, or to make a donation. Please be sure to designate your parish as: St. Thomas More, Fairfield so that it counts toward our goal. Comments are closed.
July 2024