Fr. Robert & the STM Youth Ministry Team are leading a family fun “Bike Ride for St. Joseph” on July 31st! Save the date!
"He Loves. He Hopes. He Waits."
-St. Maria Goretti St. Thomas More Parish is thrilled to welcome you home to Our Lord and His Church who loves, hopes, and waits for you! Our parish is back to our full schedule of liturgies, events, and ministry activities. Now that the COVID restrictions have been lifted and the Sunday Mass obligation is in effect, we look forward to seeing everyone soon. Please share this great news with our Parish Family members who have not yet returned so that we can welcome them home too! Please know of our continued prayers for you and your family! God bless you! Saturday: 5 PM (Vigil Mass) Sunday: 8 AM | 10 AM | 12 PM Monday-Saturday: 9 AM Adoration & Confessions: Saturdays 3:30 - 4:30 PM We are thankful for God’s providence that has carried us through these difficult times, and as we return to our regular schedules and routines, it is indeed time to return to God’s gift of grace in the sacraments. As the General Dispensation from Mass Attendance on Sundays & Holy Days concludes, beginning on Saturday-Sunday, June 5-6, 2021, we welcome all who have not yet returned to STM.
We have all missed gathering together to share the mysteries of our faith as a Parish Family. We eagerly anticipate gathering together around the table of Our Lord to open His word and share the gift of His Body and Blood, so we look forward to seeing you very soon. Whether your return to public worship is your first time since the pandemic began, or your first time in a long time, STM stands for you and with you in prayer. All of us at STM cannot wait to welcome you home to Our Lord and His Church! It is important to note that with the lifting of the General Dispensation, the regular obligations/excuses for Mass attendance remain in effect. Those who are ill, who think they were recently exposed to the coronavirus or any other contagious illness, are confined to their home, or have serious health conditions are not obliged to attend, as usual, as they face these circumstances. You can review the Bishops’ statement for more guidance.
July 2024