Please click "Read More" below to open the full post. Hi CCD Families, We hope you have a great start to the new school year ! NEW THIS YEAR: Family Catechesis Family Workshops offered Monthly / Mass Participation / HW This link is the Google Form with the dates for workshops in October -December and the times for our workshops. There are 2 Dates for each month and 2 time slots for each date. So you have 4 options each month. Please pick one. We can accommodate about 40 families per session. So it is first come, first serve. If a session is filled we will notify you for a second choice. At the first workshop, your child will receive their book with a card on the inside cover to be signed for Mass participation for the one Mass on the weekend you chose to go to the Workshop. You can participate in any Mass: Saturday 5PM, Sunday 8AM, 10 AM or 12 Noon. (The 10AM Mass on Sunday will be family centered.) Jan-April Workshop Dates will come out in Nov / Dec !
We are excited about our Workshops and can't wait to see you all in person! Peace and Prayers, Cabrina
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