This is a very important year for your child and your family. You will be celebrating 2 sacraments. Reconciliation-a sacrament of forgiveness and peace and Eucharist--becoming the Body of Christ as your child is welcomed to the Lord's table.
Here are some important dates-- Sept 28 Wednesday 7-8 PM Parent Only Explanation of Sacrament Program, Reconciliation Family Book, Communion Dates Form will be emailed home at end of meeting. Oct 22 Saturday 1-3PM Parent / Child Reconciliation Workshop Jan 21 &28 Saturday 11:30 AM The Sacrament of First Reconciliation Feb 9 Thursday 7PM Parent Only Eucharist Meeting Eucharist Family Book / Banners Mar 11 Saturday 1-3 PM Parent / Child Eucharist Workshop April 26 Wednesday Eve Communion Practice April 29, 30 First Communion May 3 Wednesday Eve Communion Practice May 6, 7 First Communion Hoping you all have a great start to the new school year!
Please read over the entire attached info letter. Especially the section entitled: Empowering God's Children (as per Archdiocese of Newark). The link for Family CCD registration is below. You can pay by check or myEoffering. We will be sending home another google form in early September. That form will have the dates and times of workshops offered for Oct-Dec. You will be able to choose one session / Mass each month. Then in December a form will be sent out with Jan-April session dates. There are 7 months and 7 sessions. Each month will have 4 choices. registration_letter_2022-2023.pdf Google Registration Form It is time to register for the 2022-2023 school year for Grades 7 and 8.
The Registration google form ( link below) is due by Sept. 23. The fee is: $120 for 1 Student $230 for 2 Students $300 for 3 or more Students Class Time is Monday Evenings: 7-8PM. The Class schedule for Fall is: Oct 17, 24 Nov 7, 14 Dec 5, 12 (Jan-April is to be determined as we get closer to New Year.) *All Grade 8 students and Parents are required to attend 2 extra meetings for Confirmation Preparation. Sept 29 7PM (Service Meeting) Feb 23 7PM (Sponsor / Confirmation Name) Please click here for google registration form |