![]() Our Special Project for the First Communicants As you can see in the collage--- all the crosses beautiful!!!! Our winners received a Pizza kit to celebrate! First Holy Communions are being celebrated during regularly scheduled Masses during July / August. Also the following Masses were added: September 12, 19, & 26 at 11:30 AM. "May you always know the Peace of Jesus, the Light of His Love, and the JOY of His Life within you! Amen." ![]() The Archdiocese of Newark has required that all CCD Classes be virtual this year--or at least till Jan 1, 2021. Our publishers saw this need in advance and we are continuing with Sadlier for Grades 1-6 (Christ in Us) and Loyola for Grade 7 (Finding God). We are supplying each student with a printed book and an online portal. For Grade 8 we will be using Dynamic Catholic (Decision Point) which has a printed book, decision topics, and movie clips. Our classes will meet three times a month. Two sessions will be thirty-minute zooms. The third session will be live streamed with a timely topic or game. This is a year to think out of the box. We will be creative, interesting, and filled with the joy of our faith. All homework and tasks can be completed online. The Domestic Church is vital in this endeavor!!! We need you and we are aware you are pulled in all directions. We will meet with you, our CCD families, September 21 and 23 to talk about details and what is best for you and your children! Time and place are in Registration Letter. The Registration Letter and Registration Form are included under the Forms tab. As soon as we have the monthly schedule we will post it! ![]() From our Patron Saint: “If any good thing shall go forward, something must be adventured.” St. Thomas More, guide us on this adventure. Amen! Our Sunday Mass is live streamed every Sunday at 11AM. Please go to our facebook or front page of our website. To watch and participate! STM really needs your support at this time. Our Easter Season collection helps support us throughout the year. A Gofundme page is set up and all the proceeds from this page go directly to our parish! Please be as generous as you have in the past....we really need your help! The link is found on the front page of our website. Special thanks to all the Catechists for all you did throughout the CCD year and all the virtual learning! We at CCD and our entire parish appreciate the time you took, your advice on lessons, and the time you took to implement the head to heart learning. We are blessed to have you all share your witness and love!!! And this is where we stand with the rest of CCD Classwork Grade 1-5 All previous homework sent home is due. A review Sheet will be sent home and due by May 15. Grade 2 Please finish your “We Believe” First Communion Book. A Eucharist Video link will also be sent home. Grade 6 is complete! Grade 7 Monday Eve is completed Grade 8 Monday Eve All Homework is due along with saint essay and sponsor info Test / Assessment TBA Grade 7 Family All homework assigned is due. New Assignment Chapter 20 and 22 will be sent and due on 5/15 Grade 8 Family All Homework is due along with saint essay and sponsor info Test / Assessment TBA Summer CCD Last Easter Workshop Packet will be sent via email by 5/8. Remember every Summer CCD students need to complete three workshops. Note: Summer CCD is hopefully still on-it can be virtual if needed! Also, it can be over extended amount of time. Details to follow. We will see how it all goes by June. Dear First Communion Families:
Normally this is one of the busiest weeks in CCD. Last CCD classes, Communion Practice, and of course our First Holy Communions. This year is very different.!!! Two weeks ago, we had a Zoom Meeting (who would have thought!) with the Archdiocese and all the Essex County DREs. The Archdiocese informed us that we are not to give out any dates at all for future First Communions now, this summer or September until we are told by the Archdiocese to do so. I think they are seeing how it all goes and want us to be in sync. As Catholics, we know that the Holy Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith: it is the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus. Pope Francis has called it the "Sacrament of Love". For children and their families who are preparing to receive their First Holy Communion, this is a big deal. And for all of us, no matter how many times we have received Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist, it should always be a big deal. As soon as the Archdiocese mandates a policy, we will contact you! We will work with you to the best of our ability. Boxes are made of cardboard, not stone—we promise this year above all other years, to think outside the box! At this time CCD and our parish would like to recognize all the Catechists that have helped prepare our children for this Sacrament of Holy Eucharist! Angel Barbarossa, Dawn Behnken, Dennis Della Terza, Lillian Coyle, Kristy Giordano, Adriana Marino, and Claudette Murray. Thank you so much for sharing your faith and love with the children and their families! Hello Families of St. Thomas More Parish: We hope this email finds you healthy, safe, and ready to celebrate the most holiest and joyous day in our faith--Easter! Included in this email are important notes for the Easter Season. For the Mass Schedule for the Triduum, Easter Vigil, and Easter Sunday live streaming Masses click here! Easter Sunday Mass will be live streamed at 11AM. STM really needs your support at this time. Our Easter collection helps support us throughout the year. A GoFundMe page is set up and all the proceeds from this page go directly to our parish! Please be as generous as you have in the past....we really need your help! Click here to make your offering and thank you so much for your generous donation and continued support of our parish. Attached (below) are several resources to use with your families on Easter Sunday. Please take the time to look over and decide which are the best to celebrate and spread joy with your families on Easter. Hope to see your clipart in windows! Peace and joy to you all! WE will be in touch! Love, The Ladies of CCD Attachments:![]()
![]() CCD Home Instruction will be sent home by email for each grade as needed. Our Grade 1-6 publisher, Sadlier, has an awesome interactive site! So does Loyola for Grade 7! Worksheets will be sent home for Grade 8 Summer CCD, if Reconcilation workshop cannot be rescheduled-- info will be sent home! Family CCD--you are all caught up--see you April 19! Please be on the lookout for the STM email. Stay safe, healthy, and please look out for your neighbor. Peace and prayers!